Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pipestone Amerindians from Israel

Post #57
QUOTE (crownsevenalphabet @ May 24 2008, 05:20 AM)

The story of how I started the Amerindian's from Israel, research :

Journey from this point backward, to my message of August 13th, 1995,
about Pipestone, MN . . .

Last week 5/12/2008, Britam.org posted in the newsletter they sent me, the proof of the 'Amerindians From Israel', DNA, of certain tribes who are of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. Newsletter #1148.

All these tribes are connected to the `red` rock quarries to utilize the
pipestone for Sac-Fox, Otto, Mandan, Kiowa, Hidatsa, Dakota, Lakota, Cheyenne and Ojibwa. http://www.pipekeepers.org/

( two research web links of DNA, proof of 'Amerindians From Israel' )

The X haplogroup FTdna Family group gives the Druze as X2b and the Native
American/First Peoples (Ojibwa, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Sioux, Na-Dene-Navaho,
Yakima) as X2a.

Native American/First Peoples; Ojibwa
Amerindians From Israel? New Evidence?

The message from August 13th, 1995 :

( a child like map of the left hand corner, of the State of Minnesota, where
Pipestone, MN sets )
http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/travel/pipestone/map.htm   Pipestone map, interstate 30

A water way diagram with the word 'water', a circle with the word 'bld.' (building), rain drops falling on the map with the word 'rain', the State Iowa (arrow downward pointing) and State Missouri listed, outside the map, the sentence "Road thee leaves to Upper area or room" . . .

The text reads :

. . . carry the bucket to the station to catch the days fish and undertaking
of the forest and harvest time. Thom Samuel Jones advance to the
Border area where is Mexico my Scurry one
I know not the papmous cloth & do thou tear down the arch & buried
stone of Blood & Coal, Burnt with incense & ash.

The facts, of my message :

* Pipestone, MN tourism confirmed the `arch` is the central entrance
into the quarry for tourism visit's. And indeed ceremonial area of coal, burnt with incense & ash, is after the entrance through this arch.

* The `station`, is called ' The Rock Island Railroad Depot ', built in 1890
( this is why I wrote: bld. (building), Pipestone's only remaining depot ).

* The `catch the days fish', is ' Northern Iowa River Greenbelt ' ( this
is why I wrote `Iowa`, on the map ).

* The `Forest`, is the Chippewa National Forest

* The term 'Upper', represents the Pipestone reservation, called
" Upper Sioux Community "

* the term ' burried stone of blood ' represents the pipestone, is called blood stone, and many more terms due to its red coloring

I am now searching for the name : `Thom Samuel Jones`, who is
connected to the border of Mexico, and writes to a person he
calls ' Scurry ' one.


The Wright County brochure shows the picture of the Northern Iowa River Greenbelt, fishing . . . This water winds its way through the eastern part of Wright County. Pipestone, MN is in Wright County. +

Below is the Rock Island Train Depot, built 1890, four railways years
ago came through this area.

The map I drew, has . . .


( arrow pointing downward )


Pictures of the Rock Island Train Depot:


The Great Pipestone Quarries of Minnesota have been a special place or sacred site for American Indian Tribal people for over 1,000 years. Many nations of people came to these quarries; including the Sac-Fox, Otto, Mandan, Kiowa, Hidatsa, Dakota, Lakota, Cheyenne and Ojibwa as well as many other Native American tribes. The pipes made of this stone, called Catlinite by Europeans, withstood the heat well without cracking and was easily worked with flint tools. Therefore the Pipestone quarried here became a very precious trade item. Trade and travel dispersed pipestone through out the Tribal Nations from Hudson Bay Canada to the Anazazi and Aztec of Mexico. The Pipestone region became the major crossroads for trade. This north south Trade route first used by our tribal people became the corridor the Europeans used and later major highways including highway 75.



Rock Island Depot

The Rock Island Railroad Depot, built in 1890, is Pipestone's only remaining depot. In Pipestone's heyday, there were four rail lines going into the city. As one of the major reasons for Pipestone's prosperity, the railroad is central to the history of this small Minnesota town. The 26-foot by 80-foot depot is constructed of cream colored bricks, trimmed in Sioux quartzite. The freight room is wider and taller than the rest of the building, resulting in a projecting roofline and gables. A rectangular bay extends toward the track from the freight office. Two waiting rooms, one for male and one for female patrons, still exist and each have separate entrances and chimneys. Due to the decline in railroad usage, the depot closed in the 1960s.

For a time during the 1970s the depot served as a center for American Indians called the Spirit of Peace Indian Center. After sitting empty for several years, Historic Pipestone, Inc., acquired the depot in 1986. Since that time, the exterior has been restored with matching grants from the Minnesota Historical Society. In January 1997, Historic Pipestone, Inc. sold the depot to a American Indian organization, Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers. They have since completed renovation of the interior. Included is an art gallery, gift shop and meeting rooms.

The Rock Island Depot is located in the 400 block of N. Hiawatha Ave., Pipestone. Summer hours are Monday-Saturday, 10:00am to 6:00pm, Sunday noon-6:00pm. Winter hours vary. For further information call 888-550-8675 or visit the website of the Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers.

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